مجمع حامد الطبي خدمات طبية متميزة باحدث الأجهزة والمعدات

Orthopedics Department

The orthopedic department provides treatment options designed to relieve pain on the one hand and improve their movement and vitality on the other hand, including some medications and rehabilitation. If the patient needs surgery, such as joint replacement or endoscopy, the best techniques are provided.

When our care for you combines with your effort with us in treatment, you can once again trust your knee to become a permanent support and to reorganize your start in life..

مجمع حامد الطبي خدمات طبية متميزة باحدث الأجهزة والمعدات
مجمع حامد الطبي خدمات طبية متميزة باحدث الأجهزة والمعدات
مجمع حامد الطبي خدمات طبية متميزة باحدث الأجهزة والمعدات
مجمع حامد الطبي خدمات طبية متميزة باحدث الأجهزة والمعدات

Brief introduction to your doctor: An orthopedic specialist deals with problems in many areas of the musculoskeletal system. Among his most important tasks:

  • Diagnosis: It diagnoses what you suffer from a disease or injury.
  • Treatment: It provides the best means of treatment, such as medicines, exercises, surgery, or an integrated treatment program
  • Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation: where he guides you to exercises that benefit your condition and guides you to a specialist physiotherapist to restore movement, strength and function to the affected part of your body
  • Prevention: where it guides you to the best information and treatment plans in order to prevent your injury again and to advance quickly in treatment without delay

We hire expert doctors

We are always available 24/7 everywhere you need help in an emergency.

Elite doctors in the orthopedic clinic department:

د/شريف فتحي | اخصائي جراحة العظام و المفاصل | مجمع حامد الطبي | محايل عسير

Dr. Sherif Fathy | Orthopedic and joint surgery specialist Hamed Medical Complex | Mahayel Aseer

د. شريف فتحى. اخصائي جراحة العظام و المفاصل بكالريوس عين شمس ١٩٨٩ ماجستير قصر عينى ١٩٩٥ حاصل على درجه doktoarbeit