- اخصائى نساء وتوليد
- بكاولوريوس طب وجراحه جامعة الاسكندرية.
- ماجستير نسا وتوليد جامعة الاسكندرية
خبرات الدكتورة مروة الغنام | مستوصف حامد الطبي
- Follow up pregnancy
- Follow up after menopause
- Early detection of gynecological diseases (cervix - endometrium)
- Follow-up and treatment of menstrual disorders
- Treatment of uterine bleeding
- Providing and following up on family planning services
- Diagnostics and treatment of infertility for couples
- Follow-up ovulation and stimulation of the ovaries
- Experience in women's reproductive health
- Experience with ultrasound and women's reproductive safety and health