Dr. Mohamed Aboul Fotouh | Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist | Hamed Medical Complex | Mahayel Aseer

Dr. Mohamed Aboul Fotouh | Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist | Hamed Medical Complex | Mahayel Aseer

Dr. Mohamed Abul Fotouh Mohamed, specialist in ear, nose, throat and head and neck surgeries

  • Hearing impairment and ear piercings
  • Treatment of tinnitus and hearing impairment in adults.
  • Treating vertigo and dizziness related to ear problems and doing balance tests for diagnosis and treatment.
  • Allergic rhinitis and sinusitis
  • Cases of snoring and breathing difficulties through the nose
  • Early detection of hearing impairment in children
  • Cases of swollen tonsils and adenoids and their treatment
  • Cases of hoarseness and problems of the vocal cords and larynx