Dr. Safaa Al-Daghar | Specialist in obstetrics, gynecology and infertility | Hamed Medical Complex | Mahayel Aseer

مجمع حامد الطبي خدمات طبية متميزة باحدث الأجهزة والمعدات

Dr. Safaa Al-Daghar | Specialist in obstetrics, gynecology and infertility | Hamed Medical Complex | Mahayel Aseer

Dr. Safaa Al-Daghar

  • Specialist in obstetrics and gynecology and infertility
  • Master's degree in obstetrics and gynecology, Alexandria University
  • Follow-up of critical pregnancy… Diagnosis and treatment of recurrent miscarriage
  • Diagnosis and treatment of infertility and delayed childbearing
  • Treatment of bleeding and menstrual disorders
  • Various contraceptives
  • Diagnosis and treatment of various gynecological infections